September 14, 2008

Copyright means Copy is not Right

Did you know? The song Happy Birthday was written by two sisters from Kentucky named Mildred and Patricia Hill. The original song was called 'Good Morning to All', it was used to greet the children of the school where Mildred and Patty teached. The song appeared for the first time in a book in 1924.

Anyway, my point is that the song we all know is copyrighted. If you use the song in public in the United States, you're meant to pay Time-warner/AOL for each performance. I'm serious. They make $2 million a year from it. The two women have passed away a long time ago but I don't think they ever made a nickel from it.

Copyrights are a serious issue. Google is filled with copyvios and I know one day I'll see my posts on one of them. so I decided to write my Terms of Use of this blog. You'll find it at the very bottom of each page on this website. Please spend a minute or two to familiarize yourself with it.

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