December 9, 2007

Neither Micro Nor Soft

I like to stay up-to-date on information relating to the latest technologies and gadgets of the future. I get very impressed with all those dandy doodads out there. New advances in technology make what previously was a hassle very possible and with less effort.

I just read today some reviews about Microsoft's new multi-touch computing system, the Microsoft Surface. It's basically a coffee table with a 30-inch display screen (not a touch screen) and five integrated cameras to enable multi-touch access to photos, music, the web and more. It recognizes objects placed on the screen such as digital cameras and cell phones. You simply affix some special codes to your devices for them to be recognized by the unit. You can rotate, resize and move virtual objects on the screen using your hands, just like the mouse on a traditional PC.
The only niggle about it is that it costs somewhere around $8000. So we're most probably not gonna see them so often in the near future. Eventually, the price will go down and we'll be scrolling down the music lists on our coffee tables at home before we know it. Go Gates Go. Take that, Apple!

I'll leave you with this Must-See clip.

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